Issue 4
Issue 4

In early 2022, the state of the art for managing patients with COPD continues to present challenges. When, how, and in whom are inhaled steroids the m...

Expired: 03.29.2024
Issue 3
Issue 3

Are all patients with COPD likely to benefit from LAMA+LABA+ICS triple therapy? The GOLD guidance has been updated. What’s new, what’s cha...

Expired: 03.29.2024
Issue 4
Issue 4

Twenty percent of new HIV diagnoses occur among adolescents and young adults. They’re a population underserved by HIV prevention resources, with...

Expired: 03.21.2024
Issue 5
Issue 5

The comorbidities associated with multiple sclerosis are known to significantly worsen inflammation and hasten disease progression. When relief with p...

Expired: 03.09.2024
Managing MS in the Era of COVID-19
Managing MS in the Era of COVID-19

Michael Kornberg, MD, PhD, and Elias Sotirchos, MD, discuss strategies to keep their patients with MS safe from COVID-19. Credit available: 0.5 of AMA, AAPA, or ANCC

Expired: 12.16.2023
Issue 3
Issue 3

How can HIV infection be better identified in the populations, most of which are underserved, that experience the majority of new HIV cases? How cost-...

Expired: 02.08.2024
Issue 2
Issue 2

Managing patients with asthma continues to grow more complex. Two key guidelines have recently been updated. Where do their recommendations concur? Wh...

Expired: 01.30.2024
Oncology Innovations
Gather-ed: Improving Management of Advanced Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer
Oncology Innovations Gather-ed: Improving Management of Advanced Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer

Join this small group learning program on identifying patients at high risk for mBCC and la/mCSCC, screening methods, and the new and emerging therapies for patients with NMSC.

Expired: 10.25.2022
Screening and Prevention of Diabetic Retinopathy
  • External
Screening and Prevention of Diabetic Retinopathy

This activity covers the basics of screening your patients for diabetic retinopathy, and improving preventative care for your diabetic patients in the primary care setting.

Expired: 01.16.2023
Improving Preventive Care for Patients with Diabetes
  • External
Improving Preventive Care for Patients with Diabetes

Simone, one of your diabetic patients, was recommended to have her eyes screened in the primary care office. She declined to have her retinal screening. What do you do?

Expired: 12.26.2022
Issue 4
Issue 4

As people with MS age, how does their response to their long-term DMT change? Is there a time when disease-modifying therapy can be safely discontinue...

Expired: 01.05.2024
Issue 3
Issue 3

With many of their patients with MS living beyond 60, 70, and even 80 years of age, clinicians are challenged to better understand the effects of agin...

Expired: 01.05.2024
Issue 2
Issue 2

Rapid ART — initiating ART as soon as possible after an HIV diagnosis: How effective is it at bringing people with newly diagnosed HIV into last...

Expired: 01.05.2024
Issue 1
Issue 1

The management of patients with asthma has evolved significantly, particularly for people on either end (mild and severe) of the symptom scale. Althou...

Expired: 01.05.2024
Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer: Enhancing Clinical Strategies
  • Webcast
  • External
Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer: Enhancing Clinical Strategies

This dynamic webcast gives dermatologists and oncologists the latest information on identification and treatments for non-melanoma skin cancers including future advancements.

Expired: 06.14.2023
Fade Out HIV
  • Webinar
  • External
Fade Out HIV

This on-demand webinar focuses on the barriers that prevent HIV screening and PrEP uptake by Black MSM and the benefits of newer HIV medications. Credit: 1.0 of AMA or ANCC

Expired: 12.21.2023